Friday, December 5, 2014

Boon and Bane Tables are up!

The Boon and Bane tables are completed and have been posted! Give them a look to see how you can help (or hinder) our intrepid heroes!

Boon Table

1Recover 1 HD of HPAll PCs can roll their hit die and recover that much HP. They do not add their CON modifier and this does not expend their hit dice.
2FlumphA Flumph comes to the party's aid! The party decides how it acts.
3GuidanceGuidance is cast on 1d4 PCs. This lasts 5 real-time minutes or until their first ability check, whichever comes first.
4BlessBless is cast on all PCs. This lasts 15 real-time minutes.
5Gain Darkvision1d6 PCs gain Darkvision. If they already possess Darkvision, they gain Superior Darkvision.
6Weapon Becomes + 1One random PC has a weapon of their choice become +1
7Weapon Becomes + 2One random PC has a weapon of their choice become +2
8Armor Becomes + 1One random PC has their armor become + 1
9Armor Becomes + 2One random PC has their armor become + 2
10Short RestThe PCs may immediately take all benefits of a short rest.
11HasteOne random PC gains Haste for 30 real-time minutes.
12Potion of Greater Healing
13Potion of Superior Healing
14Potion of Supreme Healing
15Potion of Invisibility
16Potion of Invulnerability
17Potion of Giant StrengthWhen drunk, strength becomes 25
18Potion of Growth
19Wand of Lightning Bolts
20Wand of Wonder
21Wand of Magic Detection
22Wand of Secrets
23Mordenkainen's Magnificent MansionThe spell Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion is cast nearby the PC's location, determined by the DM
24Power Word HealPower Word Heal is cast on 1d6 PCs immediately.
25Necklace of Fireballs
26Ability Score IncreaseAll PC's may increase one ability score by 2 points
27Rod of Resurrection
28Time StopThe spell Time Stop is immediately cast for the PCs
29Complete RecoveryPCs restore all hit points, negative effects and conditions, and regain all spell slots
30WishThe PCs are granted one wish as per the Wish spell

Bane Table

1Knocked ProneOne random PC is knocked prone
2DeafenedOne random PC is deafened, lasts 10 real-time minutes
3BlindedOne random PC is blinded, lasts 10 real-time minutes
4RestrainedOne random PC is restrained; arms/appendages reach out from the walls and floors of the tomb to constrict the PC. Escape DC is 20. AC is 18, HP is 15.
5FrightenedOne random PC is frightened, the DM decides the source.
6StunnedOne random PC is stunned, CON save DC is 18
7ParalyzedOne random PC is paralyzed, CON save DC is 18.
8Gelatinous CubeDM will secretly place the creature
10Shambling Mound
11Bulettes1d6 Bulettes
12Invisible StalkerDM will secretly place the creature
14Mind Flayers1d6 Mind Flayers
16Stone Golem
18Death Tyrant
19Adult Black Dragon
20Iron Golem
21Death Knight
22PetrifiedOne PC is Petrified for 30 in-game minutes
23Cackle FeverOne PC contracts Cackle Fever
24CommandOne PC is subjected to the Command spell, the saving throw is automatically failed. The donor (or DM, if not available) decides what command word to use.
25PolymorphOne PC is subjected to the Polymorph spell, the saving throw is automatically failed. The donor (or DM if not available) decides what form the character takes. The spell lasts for 20 real-time minutes
26SleepThe spell Sleep is cast centered over a majority of the PCs. The spell is cast as a 9th level spell slot.
27CloudkillThe spell Cloudkill is cast centered over a majority of the PCs. The spell is cast as a 9th level spell slot.
28WeirdThe spell Weird is cast centered over a majority of the PCs. The spell save DC is 18.
29Power Word KillPower Word Kill is cast on one random PC.
30Power Word KillPower Word Kill is cast on 1d6 PCs.